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Ijamsville, Frederick County, Maryland    .......................................  240-626-8110

We breed quality German Shepherd Dogs, suitable for Sport, Schutzhund, Police Work, Personal Protection, Detection & Scent Work, Agility, Search & Rescue and wonderful Family Pets.   Our dogs are bred with the specific intention of producing excellent quality dogs with exceptional working ability and fantastic temperaments.   

What are Breeder Term Puppies?

Special Breeder Term puppies or dogs are available to approved homes for the fee of $500 (which includes a future puppy if so desired).  These dogs have special breeding requirements for which you would be required to comply.  Owners selected for Breeder term puppies must have proven experience in obedience training and/or conformation show experience.  Special preference is given to current Haus Morrisson GSD owners.


1. All Breeder Term puppies/dogs have special requirements by the breeder, Haus Morrisson, for future breeding purposes.

2. All Breeder Term puppies/dogs are required to have minimum health testing done of OFA or SV Hips & Elbows, and a clear DM (Degenerative Myelopathy) Test.  These tests must be passing and will be paid for by Haus Morrisson.

3. All Breeder Term puppies/dogs, are required to go through training to a obtain a minimum of a BH (entry Obedience test for IPO), and will also be required to have AKC CGC, and CGCA passing tests, as well as a conformation show title.  A GSDCA Temperament Certification is also preferred (but not required).

4.  Breeder Term owners must live within a reasonable driving distance to be considered.

5.  Owners not complying with the terms of the breeder, as documented, would be required to pay the original full price for the dog in question.


At approximately 2-3 years of age (and after all desired titling and health testing), we will request your female come to us for a breeding (selected by Haus Morrisson).  Your female would live with you during her pregnancy, and return to us 1 week prior to whelping/due date.  Your female would stay here with us until puppies are weaned and then she would be returned to you.  We provide the ultimate level of care for our females.

The breeding term is 2 litter maximum.  All expenses involved with the breeding and puppies are covered by us.   A puppy from any of the breedings by the female may be obtained by the female owner at no charge, after Haus Morrisson has selected the pick male & female from the breeding (for work or conformation or both).  Spay of the female after breeder terms is recommended.

Breeder term MALES may be required to come to us for stud use at beginning around the age of 18mo to 2yr (depending on who their hips/elbows have been evaluated through, as SV can be done as early as one year), and must have completed the desire health and titling requirements.  They will live with you in your home.  It may be required for you to visit us for breedings, or we may come to you, this would be decided on an individual basis.



We have provided two formats for you to choose from .. Word or PDF then Email back to us!

OCT 31 2015 - 12.jpg
  • Puppies will not be available until 8 weeks of age. 

  • They are dewormed at 2, 4 & 6 weeks of age with Nemex & Panacur.  

  • All puppies will be microchipped with HOME AGAIN microchip (ISO Standard which can be read universally in any country).  They are registered with HomeAgain online, the day you take your puppy home.  The microcip is free.  There is a $19.99 fee for registration.

  • They will have been examined, fecal tested, dewormed & vaccinated for DA2PP (Distemper - Adenovirus - Parvo - Parainfluenza ) by a licensed veterinarian at 6 weeks of age (and again at 9 weeks).

  • They will come with a Certificate of Health from a licensed veterinarian.

  • Puppies will be Registered by us with AKC.  THIS IS INCLUDED IN YOUR PURCHASE PRICE. You will have the option of also purchasing a 3 generation AKC Pedigree, and AKC Lost & Found Registrations for an additional fee.

  • Each puppy will be added to the German Shepherd Pedigree Database, which you may access at any time to view your pets pedigree (this is free of charge). 

  • Each puppy comes with 3 Ring Puppy Binder (see photos below) to include:  

    • Your Contract with Hip & Health guarantees.

    • Puppy's 5 generation Pedigree.  

    • Sire & Dam's:  Registrations, OFA's, Health Testings and Photos.  

    • A compilation of photos of your puppy from birth until it goes home.  

    • Feeding Recommendations. 

    • Training Recommendations.

    • Spay & Neuter Recommendations

    • Food to go home with your new puppy.

    • First Dose of Heartworm & Flea Medication.

  • Buyers are highly encouraged to immediatley begin in a training program with their puppy.  This is essential to the happiness and well being of YOU and your puppy.

  • We highly recommend all of our puppy buyers to have their dogs hips preliminary tested by OFA at 12 months and Final at 2 years of age.

  • Puppies that are sold with Full AKC registration are eligible to receive their full registration once they have obtained a MINIMUM of an AKC Canine Good Citizen Advanced Title, have Neg DM test on file with OFA,  and have passing OFA or SV Hip & Elbow scores.


  • If your situation ever changes, please know that your dog will ALWAYS have a home with us!

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